Bridge 2.0: With Skills
- Thursday: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
- 3/6 – 4/10
- Sessions: 6
- Location: Comstock Community Center - Room 14
- Instructor: Mike Hess
- Fees: $130
- Thursday: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Expand your knowledge of Bridge. This 2.0 session is intended to be an extension of a Beginner class. It is also intended for those who have played some bridge previously and would now like a refresher, especially of the latest bidding conventions.
The goal is to build a firm foundation for your bidding , declarer, and defensive play. We will accomplish this by reviewing major and minor suit bidding, the Stayman Convention, Transfers, and Negative Doubles. In 2.0 there will also be an expanded focus on competitive bidding including Overcalls and Takeout Doubles.
The six-week class will be guided by our instructor, Diamond Life Master and National Champion, Mike Hess, who will use a combination of the Crisfield book, Bridgebase and ACBL software to demonstrate and guide you through all the intricacies of this fascinating game. Mike will be there guiding and instructing you in all facets of the game.
Catch Mike's enthusiasm for bridge when you listen to him here.
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- Class Fee $130